The War Office List 1939
£16.45 (plus £2.50 p&p) from S&N Genealogy Supplies, West Wing, Manor Farm, Chilmark, Salisbury, SP3 5AF
Tel: 01722 716121, Web:
This guide details the duties of civil servants of the War Office in 1939. It also lists deaths and retirements of departmental personnel since the guide's previous edition in 1934. The text is preceeded by advertisements aimed at those responsible for procurement in their official capacity.
The hierarchical structure begins with the Rt Hon Leslie Hore-Belisha MP, who as Secretary of State for War was also president of the Army Council. However, many hundreds of junior staff are listed too. These include single females such as Miss M M Miller of Salisbury, appointed as an established typist on 1st May 1934 and who passed her shorthand examinations on 7th October 1935.
Also included are pen-pics of the department's senior staff, such as Arthur Jaques, superintendant of Chorley's Royal Ordnance Factory.
