The Black Watch: Record of an Historic Regiment
£16.95 (plus p&p)
S&N Genealogy Supplies, West Wing, Manor Farm, Chilmark, Salisbury, SP3 5AF
Tel: 01722 716121, Web:
- Data presented in PDF format
- Mac and PC compatible
- Fully bookmarked and searchable.
This book, originally published in 1900, features retrospective accounts of some 20 campaigns in which this famous Highland regiment were involved. These range from the American War of Independence to the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny.
While military experts might view the accounts as one-sided, they do make compelling reading and include potentially illuminating genealogical details. For example, we learn that Sir Colin Campbell's three battalions vanquished and put to flight eight Russian battalions forced to retreat.
A substantial number of individual officers are mentioned in the text, which means that the index runs to nearly 30 pages. Thankfully this CD is fully searchable, so you can instantly find all references to a relative's name.
