Chatham, Plymouth and Portsmouth Memorial Registers 1914-1921
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Roll of honour for Royal Navy in WWI, providing sunk craft history and much more. |
Publisher: S&N British Data Archive
t. 01722 716121
Price: £16.95
Naval casualties were nowhere near as horrific as those on land during WWI, yet there were still thousands of men who made the supreme sacrifice serving in the Royal Navy. This CD has the names of all these men, recorded on three memorials across southern Britain.
The CD begins with an introduction, explaining the significance of Chatham, Plymouth and Portsmouth's Naval ports. Each memorial is then tackled in turn, with the register of the men whose names are inscribed on them. These go into fine detail, describing the circumstances that led to craft being sunk. Alphabetical registers of the men who died in each year give the name, ship, date, location and details of death, and occasionally address. |