The British Imperial Calendar 1823
£16.95 (plus £2.50 p&p) from S&N Genealogy Supplies, West Wing, Manor Farm, Chilmark, Salisbury, SP3 5AF
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This directory contains details of those holding office in the UK and its overseas colonies. It includes those who were a member of the House of Lords or House of Commons, a baronet, a knight, or in a senior role in the Army, Navy, or a public company or institution.
The public institutions caught my eye. The Magdalen Hospital on London's Blackfriars Road, was set up in 1758 'for the reception of penitent prostitutes'. Its officers and committee are then detailed. Meanwhile, the Masonic Charity was founded in 1798 with the objective of 'clothing and educating the sons of indigent and deceased freemasons'.
The dozens of philanthropic societies listed illustrate how life has changed since 1823 - many of them administered functions that are part of the NHS today.