Genealogy Reviews
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Your Family Tree

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Northumberland Fusiliers

Once you've identified that an ancestor served in a conflict, the best way to gauge what their role involved is to look at the diaries and records of the unit or regiment they served with. This latest CD is a great example, looking at the history of the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers from their inception in 1674 until the end of the Boer War in 1902.

A scan of the battles that the regiment took part in reveal some of the British Army's most important battles, from Vitoria in 1812 to every major engagement on the Western Front during WW1.

Originally published in 1919, this ebook looks at what parts the regiment played in these theatres, with the actions of men and individual units forming microcosms of important battles all across the British Empire. Lists of maps and illustrations also help show the movements and roles performed by the Fusiliers, which will help illuminate almost what an ancestor did if they served with them.

Use it for: A reference to this decorated army regiment

Publisher: S&N Genealogy


Price: £14.95

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